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Do I Need To Seal My Driveway?

The answer is “yes”, for the following benefits:

  • Re-instates oils that are lost due to the oxidation processes as asphalt ages.
  • Brings back that “deep-black” colour of a brand-new driveway.
  • Helps asphalt resist oil spills and gas leaks.
  • Prevents water penetration.

When Shouldn’t I Seal My Driveway?

  • New driveways shouldn’t be sealed for one year, so it can fully cure.

Sealer can help preserve your driveway; however it can not fix cracks, holes, or ruts. The good news is that these can be remedied, simply call Van Jon for a list of options and quotes.

Types of Sealer

Water Base

Water base sealer creates a thin layer on top of the driveway, which helps to prevent stains. As asphalt is an oil-based product,a water base sealer may choke the pavement, creating thin cracks. Due to this fact Van Jon Paving chooses not to use this product.

Oil Base

An oil-based sealer absorbs into the asphalt, but cannot prevent staining by oil or gas. This sealer allows the asphalt to breath, and will infuse oils back into the surface.

How Sealer is Applied


This is the most common way to apply sealer. As it is quite cost-effective, it is used by homeowners quite a bit when they want to apply sealer on their own; however, with a roller, it is very difficult to apply an even coat. Many times, roller marks will appear, and it is easy to apply too much sealer at times. This can also result in streaking and excess sealer tracked into your home.


This is the most difficult way to apply sealer, and as such, it may not get spread evenly. Experience is a must when attempting to apply sealer using this method, and Van Jon does not use squeegee for their sealing projects, as it is not cost effective for the homeowner.


Specialized equipment is needed to spray a driveway; skill and experience are also requirements. This is the method of choice for Van Jon when it comes to sealer application as it is themost economical, and it is able to penetrate small voids, offering a superior sealed surface look.

What We Use

Van Jon has chosen to use an oil base sealer with a spray system combination. We are unable to give free estimates on sealer; however it is easy to findout what it would cost.First, find your square footage (length and width), and then multiply it by $0.25. A 1,000 square-foot driveway would cost approximately $250.00.

We Do Parking Lots As Well!