Getting ready to start another year of PAVING! We look forward to serving the Niagara Region for all your asphalt needs. This year was a harder winter than most and we have noticed a lot of frost heaving in the area. Due to the extra moisture in the ground and cold temperature, many parking lots … Continue reading “Upcoming 2025 Paving Season”
I recently moved. Relocating and finding reliable experts to help is never easy. I was very fortunate that several people in Port Colborne recommended Van Jon paving. Allocating the work to them was an excellent decision on my part. I own two very different properties both requiring a specialized design. VanJon was up to the … Continue reading “Reviews”
Small scuff marks This is temporary with new asphalt. These marks can be fixed by using hand tamp or small plate of steel. On a hot day, remove scuff marks by hitting them with the tamp. Gas and Oil spills You can try to remove oil with a bleach-free detergent. EX; dish soap, laundry detergent. … Continue reading “Problems and Ways to fix.”
The first 48-72 Hours It is important to let your driveway cool down once you get it freshly paved. Leaving it for 48-72 hours without anything on it will help with the process. Parking your vehicle or putting heavy objects while your driveway is still cooling can leave impressions from the weight. You are able … Continue reading “How to maintain your newly paved driveway”
2023 season marks our 41st year creating the perfect curb appeal. Servicing our local friends, family and community. Let us help make your outdoor vision come to life. Contact us today for a free estimate.